Mandatory vaccination
The yellow certificate
They have vaccination for:
- Yellow fever (Arabic: الحمى الصفراء)
- Meningitis (Arabic: الحمي الشوكيه)
- Cholera (Arabic: كوليرا)
- Influenza (Arabic: انفلوانزا)
these vaccination are required for entry and stay in some countries worldwide.
There are different places that you can get your vaccination
and yellow certificate at ( the following table was copied down from one of these official places, no telefones tested)
elNozha health مكتب صحة النزههoffice |
32 elHegaz st. infront of Masr Elgidida Courthouse |
Saturday and Tuesday |
26336084 |
Continintal health office مكتب صحة الكونتننتال | 10 elGomhoria st. inside Continintal Hotel | Sunday and Wednesday |
23919208 - 23912688 |
Mobtadaian health office مكتب صحة المبتديان | 7 Reda Pacha st. infront of Elmonirah Public Hospital , Elsayeda Zeinab | Monday, Tuesday and Thursday | 23656432 |
Cairo Internatonal Airport الحجر الصحي بمطار القاهرة الدولي
(Quarantine) |
(for travellers same day) Monday | 22653543 - 23656432 | |
International vaccination center مركز التطعيم الدولي | Mogama' elmasaleh مجمع المصالح الحكوميه بالجيزهelhokomya , Giza | Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday | 35721830 - 37740763 |
Optional vaccination
VACSERA مركز المصل واللقاح وبنك الدم بالعجوزه
Vaccination center for any other vaccination that might be need according to different world destination
51 Wezaret Elzera'a (elBatal Ahmed AbdelAziz) St. next to Marie Louis, Dokki
37611111 - 37483194
9am to 11pm
Note: Vacsera's Yellow Fever vaccine certificate is no longer easily accepted by Egyptian authorities when leaving or entering Egypt. Make sure to get the Egyptian Ministry of Health's vaccination.
It is important to take anti-malarial pills before, during and after travel to many African and Asian countries. The Egyptian Ministry of Health (main building in Maglis Sha'ab St) provides travelers to certain countries free anti-malarials. The Ministry requires, however, proof of travel in order to provide the pills free of charge. Proof is provided in the form of a stamped visa in your passport to a certain malaria-affected country or a return ticket. The Egyptian Ministry of Health provides Mefloquine, which is taken once weekly, starting one to two weeks before the trip, and continuing a month after the trip. Mefloquine does come with some difficult side effects, so be sure to check what they are before taking the pills to know what to expect. Alternatively, you can buy other anti-malarials from your local pharmacy, but they are quite expensive.