
First written by Mabrouk and 0 others, on Sat, 2014/11/22 - 4:49pm, and has been viewed by 204 unique users

Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)

Basata is simply the first ecolodge in Egypt with true credentials for the 'eco' label. It's the most famous of this category in Egypt for Egyptians and international travellers alike with its own special beach and very immersive community experience. 


PRICES (captured 2014-11-22 from website)

Prices for residents in Egypt are different from travellers with no-residence visa in Egypt. Also, there are special prices for single-women.

For Foreigners with no residence in Egypt 

Camping area

12 EUR / night/ person


20 EUR / night / person

Single hut

23 EUR / night / person


80 EUR/ night for up to 3 persons
20 EUR/ night/ extra person


Single women (non-residents)

Camping area

10 EUR / night


18 EUR / night


50 EUR / night


For Egyptians and foreign residents in Egypt

Camping area

44 EGP / night / person


70 EGP / night / person

Single hut

92 EGP / night / person


400LE per night up to three persons
92 LE / Night / extra person


Single women (residents)

Camping area

35 EGP / night


70 EGP / night


300 EGP / night




  • All prices are calculated in Egyptian pounds for locals and residents and in Euros for foreign nationals.
  • There is a minimum charge on beverage and food of 55 EGP per person per day.
  • Children up to the age of four are free of charge and children between the ages of four and twelve are half-price.
  • If you are unable to spend the night, you are invited to spend the day with full use of all facilities for a nominal charge in low season for 35 EGP.
  • The meal prices are: Fish meal: 95 EGP, and/or Vegetarian meal: 70 EGP
  • Please note: all items (accomodation and food) include 15% tax.


24 km north of Nuweiba, 42 km south of Taba. N 29.20706 / E 034.73523 (+29° 12' 25.4", +34° 44' 06.8")
Phone 0020 69 3500480 Phone 0020 69 3500481 email
Cost Per Night
CAMPING AREA: 12 EUR / night/ person --- HUT: 20 EUR / night / person --- SINGLE: 23 EUR / night / person ---- CHALET: 80 EUR/ night for up to 3 persons. 20 EUR/ night/ extra person



Basata contains s 18 Hut and 9 Chalets. 

Huts have no electricity or bathrooms, while chalets have both. There is a main area that contains the kitchen, library and a big sitting area. On both ends of Basata there is a big bathroom & showers area, ladies and men are separate, very clean and in good condition. 

Basata Rules are strict and straight forward and they do apply It and don’t welcome anyone who is not following the rules (no drugs, no nudity, no fishing or diving, no over romance in public, no loud music). The rules are intended to keep Basata a favored destination for those who love peace and simplicity. 

What to bring in addition to usual things: candles, your food as possible, flash light, insect repellent, a book, a power bank as electricity not stable,

Dinner is one day fish and another vegetarian. Basata don’t serve meet or chicken as they come from Cairo, and this is not matching the owner health standards.  The food is excellent.  I recommend the fish day

It’s a beautiful friendly environment. You will do you own food and serve yourself. In the early morning they bake feta cheese bread and small pizza, and the dinner (if booked) is served at 7. Otherwise, you are on your own.

The beach was chosen by the guardian as of the best 10 beaches worldwide in 2005. It’s a while sandy beautiful beach. With a rich snorkeling are very nearby. You can rent your snorkeling gears from there, but advisable to bring it with you as not all sizes are available.  

Fri, 2015/01/23 - 4:12pm Permalink