From Sun Oct 05 05:11:00 2003
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Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2003 12:05:03 -0000
Subject: Next Event: Live Contest "Alexandria"
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From: "Ahmad El-Nemr"
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X-Yahoo-Profile: ahmadelnemr
X-eGroups-Approved-By: ahmadelnemr
Dear EP Members,
Our next event will be the Live Contest. Next Friday 10th of October
Theme or Subject: Alexandria (Any photos that showes Alexandria)
Location: Focus Studio 4 Omar Shabaan St., First right then first
right after the Rekaba Al Edareya Building, Heliopolis.
Time: 6:00 PM
Size: 13X18 CM
Each member can join with up to 2 photos. So I'm sure many of us has
got many many lovely pictures of Alexandria. Looking forward to
seeing you all on Friday.
Ahmad El-Nemr
012 3944 398
Here is a nice little piece of news for all those who want to learn
more about photography...
MASHRABIA ART GALLERY and V?ronique Audergon
"For a long while, we believed that to be a photographer we just
needed a camera, a lens, and some chemicals. But we rapidly came out
of the illusion? Like the musician, the painter or the sculptor, the
photographer needs two essential qualities: experience and feeling."
Ernest LACAN, "Esquisses Photographiques" - 1856.
Mastering a few basic and simple rules is essential to be able
to "forget" them and concentrate on new possibilities. Photography
is a magic world and our idea is to show the participants how vast
this world is and hopefully we could open new doors together.
To understand how the camera works and controls the light, three
magic words:
Film + Speed + Aperture
What is it? How does it work? How do they interact with each other?
What is the depth of field? How can you photograph movement? Or
freeze it? ? ? ?
BASICSWednesday - October 8, 2003 - From 6pm to 9pm
(Flexible time)
The basic theory will be explained through
pictures and examples
PRACTICESaturday - October 11, 2003 - From 10am to
Together outdoors shooting as a follow-up to
what was previously discussed
EVALUATIONMonday - October 13, 2003 - From 6pm to 9pm
Evaluation and discussion around the photos
of the participants
The workshop is essentially based on discussions and practice rather
than theory.
The fundamentals of the course will be explained at first and then
the expectations and questions of the participants will be a guide
to the course. Through different exercises, they will be encouraged
to discover, feel and experience the subject by themselves.
Since we will not talk about digital photography, it is a must that
the participants work with a "traditional" camera, not a digital
one. To be able to assimilate the course properly, they should work
with an SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera, with a manual position. No
point-and-shoot camera!
* V?ronique Audergon, a professional photographer for the past 15
years and living in Egypt since 1995
Inscription before October 7, 2003 (Minimum 10 persons)
MASHRABIA ART GALLERY - 8, Champollion St - Cairo - Tel 578 44 94 -
photography workshops
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 00:31:11 -0800 (PST)
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-Press Release-Photography Workshops.doc
Re: photography workshops
Hello Rana and Everybody,
This is really interesting and good news for everybody here in
EgyptPhotography. I'll make sure to pass and fill my application and I
invite everybody to take this chance.
I'm copying and pasting your document file in the end of my mail so
that everybody can read what's in it because attachments are not saved
on the yahoo groups.
Good luck,
Ahmad El-Nemr.
Photography Workshops
The Centre for the Contemporary Image- Cairo is pleased to announce
the launch of its community workshop sessions with a session entitled:
Introduction to Photography. The session is composed of five
independent workshops that tackle basics of photography for the layman:
Introduction to lighting (March 28th & March 30th)
Portraiture (April 1st & April 3rd)
Darkroom set-up (March 20th & March 24th)
Introduction to Photoshop for photographers (March 25th & March 26th)
How to best use your point and shoot camera (March 22nd & March 29th)
All workshops are from 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm
Workshops are administered by distinguished members of the local
photographic community. The workshops are open to the public at no
charge. First come first serve.
Please pick up the application form at the Centre for the Contemporary
Image ? Cairo daily from 12 pm to 8 pm except Fridays and Saturdays.
Deadline for submission is March 13th 2005. Applicants will receive an
answer by March 15th 2005.
For more information please contact:
Yara Goubran
The Centre for the Contemporary Image ? Cairo
6 Hussein El Me'mar street, Off Mahmoud Basyouni
Down Town
--- In, Rana El Nemr
> Hello,
> I hope all is well with you. The Centre for the Contemporary Image-
Cairo is organizing a serie of photography workshops for beginners.
The workshops are free of charge, if interested please drop by and
fill in the application form. I'm attaching a word document with more
> All the best,
> Rana.
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