How to understand 4x4 Safaris organized by Club

First written by Mabrouk and 0 others, on Wed, 2014/02/05 - 3:47am, and has been viewed by 782 unique users

SaharaSafaris Club's leaders organize plenty of 4x4 trips through the year that cater for every taste and hobbies. Here's a simple guide to help you understand and evaluate it for yourself.

The 4 very different levels/types of 4x4 Safaris. Any confusion of them will make the trip VERY DIFFERENT from your expectations and totally not suitable but you cannot change it if you commit to the trip with the Convoy's Crew Leader

To rank in difficulty for drivers, the types are:


  1. Relaxing Trips (R): that type is very accessible with Zero offroading skills required. It's for all levels to enjoy the scenery, socialize, but remains easy driving with zero risk. At those trips, no 4x4er (however experienced) is allowed to go outside the route or rules set by leader as announced.
    Why would you choose? If experienced you would choose it to relax with friends and family. For beginners (specially first-timers), it's the best type to try their driving in real desert.
    No logged SSC trips are needed before 4x4er is to try this level.
  2. Level 1 or Medium 4x4 (1): in this type of 4x4 safari the leaders are to take on some difficult obstacles in their tour that requires some skills. Participating 4x4ers should have variety of skills. The leader takes responsibility of all participants behind her/him in choose the route that suits them and help passing. The participating 4x4ers take the full responsibility of their passengers and the full readiness of their car.
    Why would you choose? Experienced 4x4ers like it to give help for new participants. For beginners, this is the type they start learning their way through for the Technical offroading skills.
    at least 1 (Relaxed) logged SSC trips are recommended before 4x4er is to try this level.
  3. Level 2 or Advanced 4x4 (2): in this type of 4x4 safari the leaders are freer to take on some difficult obstacles in their tour that requires advanced technical skills specially related to slopes and a3raaf. The leader takes great but somewhat limited responsibility of all participants behind her/him by choosing liberally an advanced route. The participating 4x4ers take the full responsibility of their passengers and the full readiness of their car.
    Why would you choose? Experienced 4x4ers can get into this when they're comfortable with Level 1 and gain the acceptance of the Leader in Level 2 trips. This is NOT for beginners, this is the type they start learning their way through for the Technical offroading skills.
    at least 3 (Level 1) logged SSC trips are recommended before 4x4er is to try this level.
  4. 4x4 Exploration (E): when this is the chosen level of organizer for the trip, there are no ceiling for the skills required. And that the experience and skills and equipment of the 4x4er are enough to cross very difficult and dangerous terrain. And that its surprises and calculated risks are not easy. Leader in those type of trips will help as much as she/he can, but every participating 4x4er will bear full responsibility for her/himself and her/his passengers and his car.
    NOTES: Due to the unusual nature of "Exploration" Trips, Leaders usually have the right to pick the participants of her/his choice from the 4x4ers willing to come and can refuse anyone without having to explain. Also, Caravan rules don't normally apply where Leader can ask others to lead for whatever she/he deems necessary.
    In fact, the CREW member who's leading this type of trip is sort of an Organizer and NOT NECESSARILY the "way-openner" for the track of the trip. This means that trip may split to two or more groups (no Solo allowed if out of sight distance) or change "Leader" (ie, way openner) of the trip as the group needs and CREW member agrees.
    This type of trip is not necessarily has extremely advanced level of technicality although the members are required to have those advanced skills as if every participant is a Leader herself/himself to do whatever they like to experiment with in whatever terrain they decide.
    Why would you choose? For experienced, this is where their experience is put to the test and sharpened. This is also where they can experiment (with agreement of leader) new moves and skills.
    at least 10 (Level 2) logged SSC trips are recommended before 4x4er is to try this level.