How to obtain or renew car license in Egypt

First written by Molta and 2 others, on Tue, 2009/02/03 - 11:32pm, and has been viewed by 10212 unique users

This post lists procedures and documents needed to obtain or renew car License, or transform ownership of a newly bought second hand vehicle in Cairo, highlighting many traffic services-related issues and new methods introduced to enhance citizens/ foreigners’ experience, such as traffic services provided through Egypt's Electronic Government's website.

A)    How to obtain Car License

- Documents that need to be prepared before going to Traffic unit:

1.    Customs release of your new car (Arabic: شهادة افراج جمركى - shahadet efraag gomroki)
2.    Car purchase bill (Arabic: فاتورة الشراء - fatouret el shera)
3.    Three copies of your ID Card (Arabic: بطاقة الرقم القومى - beta2et elraqam elqawmi)

- Procedures:

A)    Car Registration:
Go to the nearest Real Estate Registration Office in your area to get your car registered.
(Note: Registration fees are specified according to engine cc and manufacturing date.)

B)    Obtaining Vehicle License:
Go to the Traffic Unit that represents your residence, where you will:

1.    Get paper folder wherein you shall keep all papers that will be handed to you in the course of your license procedures.

2.    Pay obligatory insurance fees at any of the insurance companies’ representative offices located at the same traffic unit. (Note: You may pay fees for obtaining 1, 2, or 3-year license)

3.    Go to the post-office at the traffic unit to get license form which you should fill-in, before going to the checking unit where you will get the car’s chassis and motor number inspected.

4.    Go to the police officer at the same Traffic Unit, not far from the technical checking unit, to sign the license papers you bought prior having your car inspected.

5.    Go to the checking unit where the technician will inspect the car’s chassis and motor number and sign the paper.

6.    Go to one of the traffic unit employees (at one of the many windows you’d find there) and hand him/her the folder with all the papers you have acquired, and you will be given a paper to pay car tax (also depending on the engine cc/power and manufacturing model)

7.    Once you’ve paid the car tax, you will have another paper from the same traffic unit employee to pay plates’ fees.

8.    Once you’ve paid the plates’ fees, you’ll have to wait till you have your named called along with a number of other individuals (all applying for car licenses). You will be accompanied by junior police officer who has your license card and plates. He checks your ID card, hands you your License Card and hangs the plates for you.

B)    How to transform ownership of a newly bought second-hand car

- Documents that need to be prepared before going to Traffic unit:

1.  Car Specifications Certificate listing specifications of the vehicle which will indicate whether the car is fully imported or a local production which will determine the amount of registry fees. Fees of a fully imported car can be more than triple the amount of that paid if you managed to acquire a certificate proving that the car is a local production.

2. Traffic Tickets Clearance Certificate certifying that the previous owner of the car has fully paid for all offences, if he has committed any, in the course of his ownership of the car.

3.    Three copies of the old car license.  

4.  Three copies of your ID Card (Arabic: بطاقة الرقم القومى - beta2et elraqam elqawmi)

- Procedures:

A)  Car Registration:
- Go to the nearest Real Estate Registration Office in your area to get your car registered. It’s either you complete registration of the car transforming its ownership even if you won’t immediately kick off procedures to obtain a new license, in case, let’s say, deadline for the car’s old license renewal is not due yet. Or just sign a contract allowing for your procurement and reselling of the car, leaving the registration of a full purchase contract to be carried our later on, given that you start registration and license procedures before the expiration of the old license.

- (Note: Registration fees are specified according to engine cc and manufacturing date, also whether the car is imported or a local production.)

B)  Obtaining Vehicle License from Traffic Unit:

Go to the Traffic Unit that represents your residence, where you will:

1.    Get paper folder wherein you shall keep all papers that will be handed to you in the course of your license procedures.

2.    Pay obligatory insurance fees at any of the insurance companies’ representative offices located at the same traffic unit. (Note: You may pay fees for obtaining 1, 2, or 3-year license)

3.    Go to the post-office at the traffic unit to get license form which you should fill-in, before going to the checking unit where you will get the car’s chassis and motor number inspected.

4.    Go to the police officer at the same Traffic Unit, not far from the technical checking unit, to sign the license papers you bought prior having your car inspected.

5.    Go to the checking unit where the technician will inspect the car’s chassis and motor number and sign the paper.

6.    Go to one of the traffic unit employees (at one of the many windows you’d find there) and hand him/her the folder with all the papers you have acquired, and you will be given a paper to pay car tax (also depending on the engine cc/power and manufacturing model)

7.    Once you’ve paid the car tax, you will have another paper from the same traffic unit employee to pay plates’ fees.

8.    Once you’ve paid the plates’ fees, you’ll have to wait till you have your named called along with a number of other individuals (all applying for car licenses). You will be accompanied by junior police officer who has your license card and plates. He checks your ID card, hands you your License Card and hangs the plates for you.


C)    How to renew Car License

- Documents that need to be prepared before going to Traffic unit:

2. Traffic Tickets Clearance Certificate certifying that you have fully paid for all offences, if you have committed any, during the course of the old license period.

3.    Three copies of the old car license.  

4.  Three copies of your ID Card (Arabic: بطاقة الرقم القومى - beta2et elraqam elqawmi)

Go to the Traffic Unit that represents your residence, where you will:

1.    Get paper folder wherein you shall keep all papers that will be handed to you in the course of your license procedures.

2.    Pay obligatory insurance fees at any of the insurance companies’ representative offices located at the same traffic unit. (Note: You may pay fees for obtaining 1, 2, or 3-year license)

3.    Go to the post-office at the traffic unit to get license form which you should fill-in, before going to the checking unit where you will get the car’s chassis and motor number inspected.

4.    Go to the police officer at the same Traffic Unit, not far from the technical checking unit, to sign the license papers you bought prior having your car inspected.

5.    Go to the checking unit where the technician will inspect the car’s chassis and motor number and sign the paper.

6.    Go to one of the traffic unit employees (at one of the many windows you’d find there) and hand him/her the folder with all the papers you have acquired, and you will be given a paper to pay car tax (also depending on the engine cc/power and manufacturing model)

7.    Once you’ve paid the car tax, you will have to hand the entire folder )now full of papers) to one of the Traffic emplyees, who shall fill in the rest of your personal information and ask you to wait till your license card is out.

D) Traffic services provided through Egyptian Electronic Government


For online government services, Click Here:



I tried the electronic government gate ( official website )

I tried them in payig the Traffic Tickets Clearance Certificate and it really works to avoid crwoding at trafic units, and they really delivered it to my home, this is my first time to deal with government through the net and it really works so I thouhgt to advice if you really want to save time you can manage it through the net, but take care they may come to your home at any time( not restricted to the time mentioned at the website) so you can leave your paper with any one at home to show it to the delivery boy and leave the money with him at home.

Wed, 2009/07/15 - 11:58am Permalink