About SaharaSafaris

First written by Mabrouk and 0 others, on Tue, 2007/12/11 - 3:51pm, and has been viewed by 11449 unique users

It is an Egyptian-led Community of busy and intellectually-motivated people from all over the world who have traveled or intersted in travelling in the Middle-east. Safarists here are from all sorts of professional backgrounds, and are almost split in half between girls and guys. SaharaSafaris (and this website) is non-commercial, but uses commercial services sometimes. 'Co-operative' safaris are organized by members, sometimes publicly for the Community, but mainly for their family and friends.

See on-going discussion on the Forum.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - "قل سيروا فى الأرض فانظروا كيف بدأ الخلق" - صدق الله العظيم

BARR-"Travel through the earth and see how God did originate creation"-SAA.

If you see a sticker on an offroading 4x4 with a Nubian Ibex, on the backpack of a hiker up the Sinai High Wadis, or outside a lecture hall or a cultural event, you and your friends are welcome to join. It might be interesting also to know how people act within the Community.

What is SaharaSafaris Forum?

A message board (YahooGroups) on which discussions have been going on since 2001. The messages discuss:

  • routes for 4x4ing, hikes and related logistics, gear and 4x4s equipment;
  • area's archeology, wildlife, and wisdom of non-city people;
  • stories of experiences which could be spiritual, exotic, scientific, or physical; and
  • photos of trips to be shared and used in all the articles above.

There are few Guidelines for SaharaSafaris Discussion Forum though and you can read them here.

Benefits to You?

  • plan trips for your friends such as ones here;
  • join gatherings, lectures and hikes or safaris announced here (find us on Facebook for most Events. Those on Discussion Forum will be notified);
  • sell and buy items related to such activities (see here); and
  • exchange photos.