Offroading 4x4 Training in Egypt

First written by Mabrouk and 0 others, on Mon, 2016/03/07 - 5:56pm, and has been viewed by 247 unique users

This is a complete package of 4x4 training enabling absolute beginners to jumpstart their 4x4 offroading practice in the middle-east by a huge leap. It also is good for veterans who are good with practical but never really realized the scientific knowledge of what they do. It attracts a huge crowd from the curious too.

It's made of 2 modules: Lectures and Practical in desert and it covers huge materials and skills not taught anywhere else including science of dunes (to better read the field from a glance), the dynamics of dunes driving (to apply the knowledge of dunes science), 4x4 detailed anatomy, desert code and ethics and a lot more.


Caption: This is part of learning your limits. Engines have to be used carefully. Jeep Wranglers are NOT designed to make high jumps like, say Rally Cars, so you learn your limits.

Caption: This is part of learning your limits. Engines have to be used carefully. Jeep Wranglers are NOT designed to make high jumps like, say Rally Cars, so you learn your limits.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE جدول مواعيد الكورسات القادمة


Schedules are not frequently updated. See latest on the EVENTS on

Dates Module Hours Location Link for Details
Mon &Wed, 25 &27 Feb, 2019 Lectures 6-10p Tagamoa Click HERE for details
Mon-Tue, 4-5 Mar, 2019 Lectures 6-10pm Tagamoa

Click Here for Details

Mon-Tue, 11-12 Mar, 2019 Lectures 6 to 10pm Tagamoa Click HERE for details of this course
Thu-Sat, 14-16 Mar, 2019 Practical Leaving Wed night Fayoum Click HERE for details
more soon        




Few practical ones:

  1. Own your 4x4 (for the Practical section).
  2. Attend all the modules of the Lectures section (no exceptions!).



For FULL COURSE, reservation are done strictly on Registration Forms (link below). Anything else will remove you from priority and main list of registrants.

Registration Form

IMPORTANT NOTE: Zoom Public Lectures for smaller parts (dunes only, 4x4 anatomy only, etc.) are excluded from the registration form above.